Beranda Promo Hotel

Diskon 25% Accor Hotel Kartu Kredit BRI Periode s/d 30 Desember 2014

Promo hotel accor dengan kartu kredit BRI diskon 25% minimal 2 malam
Promo hotel accor dengan kartu kredit BRI diskon 25% minimal 2 malam

Sudah punya rencana untuk liburan akhir tahun kamu. Untuk hotel lihat dulu promo hotel dari kartu kredit BRI. Dengan promo hotel accor ini kamu bisa mendapatkan 25%.

Menginap di jaringan hotel accor dengan kartu kredit BRI ini tidak hanya berlaku di Indonesia tapi juga di Malaysia dan Singapura. Dengan minimal menginap 2 malam kamu sudah bisa mendapatkan potongan 25% di Jaringan Hotel Accor.

Syarat dan Ketentuan

  • Diskon 25% untuk kamar minimal 2 malam
  • Promo berlaku untuk seluruh jaringan Hotel Accor Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia, bagi pemegang kartu kredit BRI
  • Untuk pemesanan dapat dilakukan melalui atau call center accor hotel (021) 25533400
  • Promo berlaku hingga 30 Desember 2014

Term and Condition di Accor Hotel

* Subject to availability and conditions. See hotel’s conditions of sale upon booking.

Special terms :

  • Minimum 2 consecutive nights.
  • Offer is subject to availability of rooms allocated.
  • Payment using valid BRI Visa or MasterCard is mandatory upon departure.
  • 25% discount is valid only for booking this offer in or via Accor Reservation Centre.
  • Name on credit card must match the guest name on Reservation Profile.
  • Name on Credit Card must also match proof of identification (KTP/Passport).
  • Otherwise, Best Unrestricted Rate will apply.

Cancellation policy :
No cancellation charge applies prior to 18:00 (local time), up to 2 days prior to arrival. Beyond that time, the first night will be charged.

Check in Policy :
The room is available from 14:00.

Check out Policy :
The room must be vacated by 12:00 at the latest except in case of Late Check Out.

Children policy :
Accommodation and buffet breakfast are free for two children under the age of 12 staying in their parents’ or grandparents’ room and having breakfast as a family.

Package Inclusions :
25% discount on the Best Unrestricted Rate.

Guarantee Policy :
Valid BRI Visa or MasterCard credit card guarantee is mandatory at booking.

(sumber: promo page bri & accor hotel)