Beranda Promo Hotel

Diskon Hotel 15% Promo Kartu Kredit HSBC di Hotel Club Periode s/d 31 Desember 2014

Promo Hotel kartu kredit HSBC diskon hingga 15% di hotel club
Promo Hotel kartu kredit HSBC diskon hingga 15% di hotel club

Khusus buat kamu pemegang kartu kredit HSBC. Rencanakan liburan kamu dengan Kartu Kredit HSBC. Karena kini kamu bisa mendapatkan diskon 15% untuk pemesanan hotel.

Caranya kamu melakukan pemesanan hotel di dan lakukan pembayaran dengan kartu kredit HSBC kamu. Ayo tunggu apalagi pesan sekarang dan nikmati diskon hotelnya

Detail Promo Hotel Kartu Kredit HSBC

Enjoy an additional discount up to 15% on HotelClub offers at various small boutique to 5-stars hotel chains.

Valid for HSBC VISA Signature, HSBC VISA Platinum and HSBC VISA Gold.

HotelClub is a world leading global accommodation website that provides access to over 85,000 hotels at more than 141 countries with free surcharge.

Terms and conditions

  • Prices quoted on the website and its local language equivalent websites are only valid for payment with eligible VISA cards.
  • Offer is valid till 31 December 2014.
  • Standard HotelClub terms and conditions apply to all hotel bookings. Details available at the website.

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