Beranda Promo Hotel

Promo Hotel Bandung Ibis Trans Studio Enjoy our special price for your wonderful weekend! Periode s.d 27 Desember 2014

Promo hotel bandung Ibis Trans Studio
Promo hotel bandung Ibis Trans Studio

Travels Promo – Bandung merupakan salah satu alternatif liburan singkat saat weekend kaum urban Jakarta. Kalau kamu berencana weekend di bandung jangan lupa cobain menginap di Ibis Trans Studio Bandung.

Apalagi sekarang kamu bisa menikmati special price dengan Promo Hotel Bandung di Jaringan Hotel Accor Ibis Trans Studio. Nah weekend ke Bandung sekarang sudah tau bukan mau menginap dimana? Mau Promo Ini langsung aja pesan disini.

Promo Hotel Bandung Ibis Trans Studio

  • Enjoy our special price for your wonderful weekend!
  • Offer from IDR 748000
  • Offer valid for stays from 20/01/2014 to 27/12/2014
  • Spend your Saturday night at ibis Bandung Trans Studio and enjoy free breakfast and free dinner for 2 persons.
  • Accor Advantage Plus members enjoy additional 10%.

*Please see the conditions of sale prior to booking.


  • This offer is bookable until 25 December 2014 for stays on Saturday with maximum 1 night until 27 December 2014.
  • Offer includes accomodation, free breakfast and dinner for 2 persons.
  • Full amount of stay is payable in advance by credit card at booking time.
  • No cancellation – Full deposit is not refundable even if the booking is cancelled or modified.
  • Subject to availability and conditions. See hotel’s conditions of sale upon booking.
  • Accor Advantage Plus members enjoy additional 10% off.

Sudah melakukan pemesanan atau masih mencari opsi promo lain, untuk promo hotel Bandung lainnya bisa kamu lihat disini atau promo hotel jaringan accor disini.

(sumber : promo page jaringan hotel accor)


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